Clients & Industries

  • Architecture & Design

      • SLA
      • KANT Architects
      • Schønherr
      • Swatch
      • Forbundet Arkitekter og Designere
      • Danske kunsthåndværkere og Designere
      • Formkraft
  • Banking & Financial

    • Danske Bank
    • Danske Invest
    • Saxo Bank
    • Nykredit
    • Ekspres Bank
    • SCF Advisors
    • GFN: Global Finance Network
    • Unimo
  • Children & Education

    • DUI - Leg & Virke
    • Frederiksberg Gymnasium
    • Rungsted Gymnasium
    • Sønderborg Amts Gymnasium
    • Johannesskolen
    • Sankt Annæ Skole
    • Institut for Antropologi (KUA)
    • Tønder Gymnasium
  • Fashion & Retail

    • ILLUM
    • Bestseller
    • Birger Christensen
    • Angulus
    • Soft Gallery
    • Storm og Marie
    • MN Retail
    • Carat Smykker
    • Les Reves
    • Rebekka Notkin Jewelry
  • Film & Entertainment

      • Tivoli
      • Danske Spil
      • r8Dio
      • Nickelodeon
      • Joe Moe (Discowax)
      • D:A:D
      • Danske Teatre
      • Bacon Production
      • Czar
      • Ulrik Boel Bentzen
  • Food & Beverages

    • VILD MAD (Noma)
    • MAD feed (Noma)
    • McDonald’s
    • Aalborg Akvavit
    • Lagkagehuset
    • Amass Restaurant
    • Broaden & Build
    • Haver til Maver
    • Nørrebro Bryghus
    • Madkastellet
    • Gaarden & Gaden
    • Xoco Gourmet
    • Falang
    • MyPoke
  • Health, Sports & Fitness

    • Novo Nordisk
    • Widex
    • Repeat Fitness
    • Manchester United
    • Daintel
  • Leisure & Travel

      • FDM Travel
      • Visit Sweden
      • First United
      • Wonderful Copenhagen
      • Visit Sjælland & Møn
      • Mylife Skodsborg
      • USA Rejser
  • Non-profit

    • Roskilde Festival
    • Fair Transport
    • Distortion
    • Real Dania
    • Nordea Fonden
    • Far for Livet / Forum for mænds sundhed
    • Stubkjær Invest
  • Society & Public Sector

    • Københavns Kommune
    • Ungdomsskolen i København
    • Amager Vest og Øst Lokaludvalg
    • BL Danmarks Almene Boliger
    • Beboerbladet
    • Christianshavns Lokaludvalg
    • GFS Ørestad
  • Technology & Consulting

    • Deloitte
    • Mannaz
    • Vestas
    • Telia
    • Omnidocs
    • Institut for Cybersecurity
    • Baker Tilly
    • Incento
    • BMI / Icopal
  • The bold and the peculiar

    • The Comedy of Things
    • Nordsø Records



We’ve built the website for Copenhagen-based restaurant Amass. The restaurant that wants to prove that both environmental and financial sustainability as well as deliciousness are mutually reinforcing.

VILD MAD (noma)

Website & App

VILD MAD is noma’s non profit initiative helping Danes reconnecting with nature. “Foraging is a way to engage with nature to better understand and appreciate it. We’ve created a program dedicated to teaching everyone in Denmark, including school children, to learn about our landscape, understand how to find food in the wild, and how to cook with it. The program simply wants to make everyone a forager.” René Redzepi

Aalborg Akvavit


As Aalborg Akvavit launched brand new flavors of schnapps, they needed a new website to present them. In collaboration with DDB COPENHAGEN, we built a new website as an inspiring universe for exploring the new flavors.

Oliver Knauer

Portfolio Website

International photographer Oliver Knauer wanted a snappy, modern, and dynamic website for hosting both videos and images seamlessly. Here at Supertusch… this is the way



We have been in close collaboration with Deloitte to create a series of websites. The websites have been used to effectively communicate information both internally and publicly.


Online hearing test

We helped Widex creating an online hearing test. Hearing screening in comfortable surroundings together with significant others.
Widex wanted to drive traffic for it’s retail centers and with this solution we removed one of the biggest barriers.

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